Глава Митрополичьего округа совершил литию по приснопамятному епископу Тихону (Степанову)
В фонды музея митрополита Иосифа (Чернова) передан келейный образ, принадлежавший старцу-святителю
Поздравление членов Священного Синода Русской Православной Церкви Святейшему Патриарху Кириллу по случаю 75-летия со дня рождения
Митрополит Александр провел рабочее совещание по вопросам строительства паломнического центра Иверско-Серафимовского монастыря Алма-Аты
Поздравление с Рождеством министра культуры и информации Республики Казахстан А.Г. Балаевой

The head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, and the Orthodox believers of the country were congratulated on the holiday of the Nativity of Christ by the Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.G. Balaeva.

The greetings reads:

With all my heart I congratulate you and all believers of the Orthodox Church on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

This kind holiday unites millions of people around the ideals of goodness, mercy and justice. These unshakable values play a special role in the history of our country and have served as a reliable spiritual and moral support of the society for centuries.

The Orthodox Church, along with other confessions of Kazakhstan, makes a huge contribution to the preservation of our rich historical and cultural heritage, strengthening the institution of the family and the patriotic education of the younger generation.

I am confident that your creative activity will continue to contribute to the strengthening of peace and harmony, the development of interfaith dialogue in Kazakhstani society.

I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!