Народный художник России С.А. Щербаков представил митрополиту Александру новосозданный памятник князю Александру Невскому для Алма-Аты
В Южной столице состоялось заседание членов правления «Союза православных женщин» в Алма-Атинской епархии
День памяти благоверного князя Александра Невского и святителя Митрофана Воронежского. Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Александро-Невском соборе Алма-Аты
«Святыня, восставшая из пепла» Интервью с настоятелем храма во имя Архангела Михаила в селе Тургень иеромонахом Варсонофием Ларионовым
В Астане состоялось совещание, посвященное подготовке к проведению в Казахстане выставки о Туринской плащанице

November 14, 2024. Astana. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, a working meeting was held in the spiritual, cultural and administrative center of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan named after the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius dedicated to the preparation of an exhibition about the history and scientific research of the famous archaeological monument, which is often called the "fifth Gospel" - the Shroud of Turin.

The Kazakhstan Metropolitan District was represented at the meeting by: Dean of the Astana Church District Archimandrite Sergiy (Karamyshev), Head of the Public Relations Department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, Key keeper of the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty Archpriest Alexander Suvorov, Key keeper of the Assumption Cathedral Archpriest Dimitry Baidek, Head of the Administrative Secretariat of the Head of the Metropolitan District Priest Georgy Sidorov, Head of the Protocol Service of the Metropolitan Archdeacon Roman Golovin.

Among the meeting participants were: Archbishop-Metropolitan of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese in Astana Tomasz Peta, Head of the Department for Relations with Eastern Europe of the International Charitable Foundation "Kirche in Not" ("Help to the Church in Trouble") P.V. Gumenyuk, Advisor to the Representative Office of the Order of Malta in the Russian Federation D. Parravacini, expert of the Order of Malta in Germany F. Dernd, employees of the curia of the Catholic capital archdiocese and the Catholic diocese of Alma-Ata.

At the meeting were discussed key aspects of the exhibition organization, including its content, logistics and educational program. It is expected that the exposition will travel around Kazakhstan for two years, visiting Astana, Alma-Ata and major cities of the country. The main goal of the exhibition is to introduce the general public of Kazakhstan to one of the most famous Christian relics, its history and research, which continues to arouse the interest of a huge number of scientists and believers.