Митрополит Александр совершил закладку духовно-просветительского центра во имя священномучеников Иоанна и Константина Талгарских
Состоялась встреча Митрополита Астанайского и Казахстанского Александра с Президентом Республики Казахстан Н.А. Назарбаевым
Троицкая родительская суббота. Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Вознесенском кафедральном соборе Алма-Аты
В Нур-Султане состоялась встреча Главы Митрополичьего округа с новоназначенным послом Белоруссии в Казахстане
The winners of the “Spiritual Spring” Internet carousel have become known

On March 31, 2024, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, an online quiz “Spiritual Spring” dedicated to Lent was held.

The event, organized by the educational department of the Astana diocese, was attended by groups of Sunday schools, Orthodox youth movements and clubs from Kazakhstan, Russia and Lithuania. In total, 22 teams took part in the intellectual competition: 8 from youth clubs, 14 from Sunday and secondary schools.

The questionnaire for the distance Olympiad included tasks on knowledge of the features of the Holy Pentecostal service and the foundations of Orthodox culture. Several assignments covered issues of cosmonautics, aviation and astronomy (in connection with the approaching Cosmonautics Day), as well as ornithology - a branch of zoology that studies birds, their morphology, anatomy, behavior, ecology, origin, geographical distribution and systematics (in connection with the celebration of April 1 International Bird Day).

The quiz was held in two subgroups: Sunday schools and youth clubs.

Based on the results of the intellectual competition, the following groups of experts in Orthodox culture were recognized as winners and prize-winners.

In the Sunday schools subgroup:

1st place

“Guiding Star” (Peter and Paul Cathedral, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan)
“My Joy” (Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Chapaevo village, Alma-Ata region, Kazakhstan)
“Rays” (St. Nicholas Church, Tonshaevo village, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia)
“Grains of Faith” (team of Sunday schools of the parishes of Kerch, Republic of Crimea)
“Forget-me-nots” (Iveron Temple, Burundai village, Alma-Ata region, Kazakhstan)

II place

“The Joy of Faith” (Sevastian-Magdalinsky Church, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan)
“Stanichniki” (Michael-Arkhangelsk Church, Presnovka village, North Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan)
“Peresvet” (national team, Bryansk, Russia)

III place

“Little Radonezh” (Church of All Saints, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan)
“Blagovest” (Annunciation Cathedral, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan)
“New Generation” (Voznesensky Cathedral, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan)

In the subgroup of youth clubs:

1st place

“Guiding Star” (Peter and Paul Cathedral, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan)
“Galilee” (Church of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Konaev, Kazakhstan)

II place

“Mikhailovtsy” (Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church, Maykop, Republic of Adygea, Russia)
“Nobody but us” (Church of St. Florus and Lavra, Tula, Russia)
"Farmaprim SRL" (representative office of a Moldovan pharmaceutical company, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
“Byzantium” (Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

III place

“Stavros” (St. Nicholas Cathedral, Shymkent, Kazakhstan)
Questions and answers for the competition are available on the website of the Orthodox Internet Carousel. The next mini Internet carousel is “Religious picture of the world. Judaism” will take place on April 21, 2024.