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Воспитанник спортивного клуба «Невский» завоевал золотую медаль на открытом чемпионате по вольной борьбе
A miter that belonged to priest Nicholas (Mogilevsky) was transferred to the Museum of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan

March 29, 2024. The Church Historical Museum of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, created on the initiative and blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan in 2015, continues to be replenished with valuable exhibits.

Relatives of the priestly confessor Nicholas (Mogilevsky), living in the city of Dnieper, asked Archpriest Andrei Pavlenko to hand over the miter that belonged to the saint.

The confessor of faith and piety used this miter during his archpastoral service at the Chernigov See. Before the transfer, the miter was reverently kept in the family of the saint’s relatives. The miter is embroidered with Czech beads and the icons are made using lithography.

Previously, the museum exhibition was replenished with diary entries, rosaries and household items that belonged to the priestly confessor Nicholas (Mogilevsky).