В Алма-Атинской семинарии состоялась лекция, организованная фондом «Казахстан без наркотиков» (+ВИДЕО)
В день памяти Трех святителей епископ Геннадий совершил Литургию на греческом языке в Алма-Атинской духовной семинарии
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Определены победители дистанционного детского конкурса «Пасха красная»
The “White Flower” charity event took place in Almaty

On March 24, 2024, with the blessing of the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, a charity event “White Flower” was held on the territory of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Almaty.

The event was organized by the commission for social ministry of the Astana and Alma-Ata diocese (headed by Archpriest Vyacheslav Pugachev).

The purpose of the action was to raise funds for the crisis center “House for Mom,” which began its activities with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander in November 2013. “House for Mom” provides psychological support, housing, food, medicine, hygiene products, clothing and shoes to pregnant women and women with children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.

During the event, parishioners of the church were offered to exchange a white flower, made by the hands of representatives of the diocesan sisterhood of mercy, for a feasible amount of donations.

Everyone was treated to pastries and hot tea.

The organizers of “White Flower” express their sincere gratitude to everyone who took part in the charity event.

If you were unable to take part in the action, but would like to contribute to this project, you can transfer any amount to:

• Kaspi Gold bank card. Number: 4400 4301 0902 9535

• By phone number: +77053395270

IIN: 811125301109

Vyacheslav Pugachev