В Алма-Ате прошла акция «Собери ребенка в школу»
В Астане прошла встреча митрополита Александра и митрополита Илариона с министром иностранных дел Казахстана
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The Astana deanery hosted the “Broad Maslenitsa” holiday

March 16, 2024. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, in the Astana deanery, at the parish of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Malotimofeevka (modern Akkaiyn), the “Broad Maslenitsa” holiday was held.

The celebration was organized by the parish activists with the support
Russian Center for Science and Culture.

The guests of the event were Sunday school students, pupils of the Svetoch orphanage and village residents.

Before the start of the holiday, the sacristan of the church, Priest Vladislav Kovalenko, addressed those present with a welcoming speech.

Those gathered were offered a vibrant concert program consisting of song and dance numbers, a theatrical skit, various competitions and games. Ethnocultural and creative groups performed for the guests: the Cossack folk choir named after Viktor Ivanov “Stanichniki”; children's ensemble of Russian songs "Bee" and youth ensemble of Russian and Cossack songs "Zarnitsa", animators of the theater studio "Lim-Po-Po".

At the end of the concert and competition program, the event participants were offered a festive treat.