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В годовщину начала Великой Отечественной войны митрополит Александр совершил поминовение погибших в военные годы в Михаило-Архангельском соборе Уральска
Students of the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary visited the First Almaty Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists “Golgotha”

On March 5, 2024, students of the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary, led by the teacher of the department of church-practical disciplines, Priest Kirill Gromov, visited the First Almaty Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists “Golgotha”.

The event was held as part of educational practical training for students of the theological school.

The guests were greeted by Presbyter V.P. Gerasimov.

The excursion began with a museum dedicated to the hundred-year history of the First Baptist Church of Almaty, where students heard a detailed story about the formation of the community and the main milestones of its development. The museum stands displayed photographs of prominent figures, preachers and members of the Baptist church, among whom were those who laid down their lives for the faith during the years of persecution, as well as models of historical houses of prayer, cups for the Eucharist and ancient books.

Next, the seminarians visited the main building of the community: the house of prayer, where believers gather to perform services. The pastor told the students about his spiritual experience, life within the community and worship. During the conversation, Vladimir Petrovich answered questions from students of the theological school regarding the features of the Baptist doctrine.

At the end of the event, the meeting participants exchanged gifts and words of gratitude, also took a group photo.