С Рождеством Христовым православных верующих Казахстана поздравил Верховный муфтий страны
В Алма-Ате установлен и освящен поклонный крест в память 90-летия подвига священномучеников Николо-Кучугурских – протоиереев Стефана, Александра и Филиппа
Знаменитый российский футболист А. Аршавин принял участие в мини-футбольном турнире среди учащихся воскресных школ Алма-Атинской епархии
Епископ Каскеленский Геннадий принял участие в праздновании 225-летия со дня рождения А.С. Пушкина
A meeting took place between Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan and the Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Gregory of the Resurrection

March 2, 2024. Moscow. At the Novospassky Monastery, a meeting took place between the Head of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan and the Administrator of the Affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Gregory of the Resurrection.

Metropolitan Alexander told Bishop Gregory about the main events in the church life of Kazakhstan, noting that this year marks a significant date for the Metropolitan District - the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Astana and Alma-Ata diocese on the territory of the Republic.

The head of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District informed the Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate about his meetings with representatives of diplomatic missions - Russian Ambassador A.N. Borodavkin, Ambassador of Belarus P.V. Utyupin and the Vatican Ambassador Archbishop George Panamthundil and communication with the State Counselor of the Republic of Kazakhstan E.T. Karin, Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.G. Balaeva, Akim of Astana Zh.M. Kasymbek, Akim of Almaty E.A. Dosayev and other government and public figures.

An exchange of views took place on a wide range of issues of mutual interest. The interlocutors discussed the topics of church-state relations and interfaith dialogue in Kazakhstan, they also discussed the development of spiritual education in the Metropolitan District.

At the end of the conversation, the archpastors wished each other health and God's help in church work.