В день Святого Духа митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Никольском храме города Талгара
Преполовение Святой Пятидесятницы. Глава Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа совершил Литургию в Иверско-Серафимовском монастыре Алма-Аты
В праздник Всех Святых Глава Православной Церкви Казахстана совершил Литургию в Софийском соборе Алма-Аты
Клирик Астанайской и Алма-Атинской епархии принял участие в заседании Патриаршей комиссии по вопросам физической культуры и спорта
A meeting took place between Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan with the rector of the RGSU A.L. Khazin

March 1, 2024. Moscow. Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan visited the Russian State Social University (RGSU), where he met with the rector of the university Andrey Leonidovich Khazin.

Andrey Leonidovich told Metropolitan Alexander about the work of the leading institution in the field of social sciences in Russia and the CIS countries, the history of which goes back more than a century. The rector noted that the university focuses on professional and personal development. “We are raising a generation of purposeful graduates who follow ideals and traditions, while paying special attention to modern trends in the labor market,” emphasized A.L. Khazin.

The archpastor thanked A.L. Khazin for his kind, long-term participation in the development of intellectual and educational activities of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, for support of church educational initiatives.

The meeting participants noted the positive results of the partnership between RGSU and universities of Kazakhstan: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after. Abay, Turan-Astana University, Eurasian National University. L. Gumilyov, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, Zhetysu State University, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute, Kostanay Social and Technical University, Karaganda State University named after. E.A. Buketova.

In consideration of his work on the patriotic education of the younger generation and the strengthening of church-public interaction on pressing issues of our time, for his contribution to strengthening international and interethnic harmony, Andrey Leonidovich Khazin was awarded the highest award of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District - the Order of “Beibitshilik pen Kelisim” (Peace and Harmony).

During the conversation, the prospects for interaction between the RGSU and the Alma-Ata Orthodox Theological Seminary were discussed.

The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere and ended with an exchange of good wishes.