В день памяти равноапостольного князя Владимира епископ Талдыкорганский Нектарий совершил Литургию в Никольском соборе Алма-Аты
Митрополит Александр совершил заупокойную литию по новопреставленному митрофорному протоиерею Серафиму Еременко
 День памяти святителя Иоанна Златоуста. Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Богородице-Рождественском храме микрорайона Акжар
Поздравление Предстоятеля Украинской Православной Церкви митрополиту Александру с 30-летием архипастырского служения
The Day of Orthodox Youth was prayerfully celebrated in Kostanay

On the night of February 15-16, 2024, on the after-feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the day of remembrance of the righteous Simeon the God-Receiver and the Prophetess Anna, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan in the home church of the new martyrs and confessors of the Kazakhstan spiritual and cultural center named after Bishop Timon (Rusanov) in the city of Kostanay Youth Liturgy took place.

The service was performed by the secretary of the Kostanay diocese, Hieromonk Gennady (Burdyuzha), co-served by the dean of the Sarykol church district, Archpriest Vitaly Kleb and the rector of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the city of Kostanay, Priest Alexey Kovalev.

Participants in the service were representatives of the Orthodox youth movement and young parishioners of the churches of the diocese.

Most of those present in the church that night received the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

At the end of the Liturgy, glorification was performed in front of the icon of the holiday, after which Hieromonk Gennady congratulated the youth on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord and noted the importance of youth participation in the life of the church and the implementation of many social projects that are created on the basis of diocesan departments.

Hieromonk Gennady congratulated Ainura Salavatova, an employee of the information department of the diocese, on her name day, presented her with a holy prosphora and wished God’s help in her work for the good of the Church of Christ.