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A meeting took place between the Bishop of Ural and Atyrau Vianor and the Akim of the West Kazakhstan region N. Turegaliev

February 13, 2024. City of Uralsk. In the regional akimat, a meeting was held between the Bishop of Ural and Atyrau Vianor and the akim of the West Kazakhstan region Nariman Turegaliev.

The meeting was attended by: Dean of the Ural Church District, Archimandrite Dionysius (Kozulev); on the part of the akimat - the head of the apparatus of the akim of the West Kazakhstan region N.S. Oraz and the head of the regional department for religious affairs T.R. Nigmetov.

The meeting was the first official communication between Bishop Vianor, who took over the management of the Ural diocese and the head of the regional executive branch.

Bishop Vianor spoke warmly about his first meetings with the residents of Uralsk and shared his impression about the life of the city and region. The archpastor noted the need for regular interaction between the clergy and representatives of local authorities in the sphere of strengthening traditional spiritual and moral values, interethnic peace and harmony in society.

During the conversation, issues of cooperation between the Ural diocese and the regional akimat regarding the preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of Western Kazakhstan were discussed.

At the end of the conversation, the akim of the region and the manager of the Ural diocese exchanged memorable gifts and wished each other health and success in good endeavors.

The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere.